Monday, July 25, 2005

Some things just can't be resisted

When I was at Unisys Australia and supervisor of the system admin team we got ourselves into the habit of going down for a smoke every so often. Our route from our office to the lift took us past an area of the floor occupied by some programmers who were hidden behind closed doors. As we passed, usually me in the lead, we'd knock, in turn, on the door as we passed. For the first week or so they'd open the door but it didn't take them long to cotton on.

Whether they opened the door or not, we'd knock as we passed. This went on for some months and then there was a team reorganisation. The original team moved to a different floor and a new team took over that office. We continued the knocking, laughing as the new team answered the door time after time after time.

Eventually Trevor had had enough. He cornered me (as the obvious ringleader) in the photocopy room one afternoon, demanding that we stop knocking as we passed. What could I do? With a challenge like that we had to knock harder and louder! A week passed and Trevor challenged me again. This time with threats to take it to a higher power. Uh huh. I leaned against the door during the conversation and knocked. It was cruel of me I know, but watching his choler rise as I knocked was much too much temptation.

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