Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sadly it's all over

bar the travelling. Yup, my 16 days in Australia has come to an end and I'm about 10 and a half hours from getting on the plane back to the US. I really need to be sleeping around about now but I know it's going to be hurry up and wait tomorrow morning and no access to the internet. I have my matches ready for when they take my cigarette lighter away and enough smokes to get me as far as the duty free in Sydney. From there it's 14 or so hours of no smoking until I emerge into San Francisco airport with a 5 hour wait for the homeward flight to Phoenix. I've had my last meal of fish and chips for a couple of years but not, I hope, my last Timeout. Those I can get in the Philippines as well as here!

I'll see you back stateside with more time to write about adventures in Melbourne and some photos.

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