Monday, August 15, 2005

121 Tote

was the uninspiring headline on a German language newspaper in Frankfurt Airport today, complete with front page photo of an airplane. I certainly read enough German to know what that meant. On the same newsstand was another paper with a front page photo of a hand in a glove and the headline 'Frozen at 35,000 feet'. With another 1 hour flight ahead of me over the Alps to Nice I chose not inquire further. I'm a nervous enough flier as it is; I don't need to know the details.

Of course, once I was safely at my destination curiousity got the better of me and I tuned into BBC World, to learn it was about a Greek flight that went down Sunday while I was somewhere over the North Atlantic. Early reports indicate that it was a pressurisation issue and, due to oxygen deprivation, the victims probably didn't even realise what was happening. On their behalf I'm glad to hear it. I hope you read that the way I meant it.

I arrived safely, of course. I still don't know what the reason is for the public holiday here in France; I'll ask tomorrow. I can't place August 15th as a day of significance in French history. The nearest I can come up with is August Bank Holiday but I doubt the French are celebrating a British holiday. The only other date that springs to mind is the exile of Napoleon Buonaparte to St Helena but that was last week and I'd be about as likely to believe the French celebrate that particular anniversary as I would believe that Americans celebrate the birthday of Benedict Arnold.

Doubtless when I discover the reason I'll smite myself on the forehead for not remembering and want to come back and edit this. I won't though. What I write and publish stands, errors and silliness notwithstanding.

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