Friday, September 10, 2004


that was fast! I suppose it helps to be in a similar timezone to one of the Admins :-)

Er what am I talking about I hear you ask? Elapsed time from requesting blog to receiving blog was about 2 minutes.

Dammit, now that I've started a blog I suppose I'm going to have to update it occasionally. So here's the first entry. I'm standing at the keyboard typing this in Baguio City, Philippines. Standing? Uh huh. There are no chairs! That would be an unwarranted expense. It's getting tough on these old feet to be standing at the keyboard for upwards of 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. With any luck I'll be back in the US sometime in the next month though and able to write code the way any self respecting coder writes - sitting down! :-) I really must investigate my employers obligations with regard to sending me to client sites.

Well, that's my first rant. Not very exciting was it!

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